As Joshua nears 2, we can't believe the changes in him on a daily basis- he's definitely not a baby anymore- but a growing boy- which makes me sad and happy at the same time since we'll have a baby again in just a few weeks! Here are just a few examples of the things our sweet boy is doing:
He's starting to put words together like" Where my momma?" (Mike had taken him to a different part of the store while shopping!)
He won't cuddle in the mornings with us anymore, he immediately wants to get up and really likes to watch "MOOOOOOOOVIES" (I'm trying to make sure that he's not a huge TV junkie so I've been trying to limit TV and movies to when Mom is showering, etc. However, since Josh has decided his new wake up time is 6Am, I don't mind dozing on the couch while he watches Sesame Street!
He drinks the milk out of his cereal bowl (see picture!)
He climbs on everything!!!! (see picture) I came around the corner the other day- he was seriously only out of my sight for a minute or two!
He wants to sit in a regular chair like Mom and Dad- we bought him his own little booster seat and most of the time he refuses to sit in it- so I am 9 months prego cleaning macaroni and cheese off of the floor (hey- choose your battles though right?)
The other morning Josh noticed Mike and I had left some bowls on the coffee table- without being asked he took them into the kitchen and put them into the sink!
That's all I can think of at this late hour- but we love our little guy!!! We're so glad he's part of our family!